Questions and topics for the 2025.03 /
132nd edition of with the following topics:
- How should I handle MDBs (Message-Driven Beans) and two-phase commits when migrating Java EE applications to
Quarkus while minimizing code rewrites?
- Is it advisable to keep Java Flight Recording (JFR) running continuously in production for capturing data when a
pod crashes?
- What are the best practices for effectively using Java Flight Recording in an OpenShift cluster environment?
- Is deploying a Quarkus binary executable as a custom runtime for AWS Lambda better than using a container image?
- How can a Lambda function be used to offload work from Kubernetes/locally hosted Quarkus services during peak
- 100 episodes back in time:
Monolithic Java EE?, UI (servlet,JSP) vs. EJB / CDI authentication, JDBC vs. ORMs, implementing a WebService on a
JVM vs. on an application server, Docker host resolution and staging, Launching docker images in production,
Multiple server instances vs. multiple docker containers, Solr vs. ElasticSearch, Docker RAM limits vs. JVM
maxheap, How to learn Java EE and Java, The Purpose of ejb-jar.xml, gRPC and microservices, Handling security
patches with Docker, UriInfo with proxies, Approaches to secure JAX-RS services
Any questions left? Ask now: and get the answers at the next
Some questions are also answered with a short video: 60 seconds or less with Java
Ask questions during the show via twitter mentioning me: (@AdamBien),using the hashtag: #airhacks or built-in chat at: You can join the Q&A session live each first Monday of month, 8 P.M at